LGBTQIA Health and Health Disparities


  • To provide a network for nurse scientists at all careers stages interested in LGBTQIA health and health disparities research.
  • To share resources, ideas, and experiences through peer mentoring.
  • To create a forum that supports the development, conduct, and dissemination of high-quality research that benefits the health of LGBTQIA populations. 

Who Should Join?

Nurse scientists or clinicians who work with or are interested in working with LGBTQIA populations. For more information or to be added our e-mail list for updates and newsletters send us an e-mail at [email protected]

Join this RIG!

Contact Information: 

Chair: Kasey Jackman, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FAAN

Co-Chair: Jordon Bosse, PhD, RN

Monthly Meetings
We meet monthly via Zoom from September – May, typically on a Tuesday or Thursday between 11 am and 1pm, depending on the availability of the group.

Meeting topics vary from month to month, and have included journal clubs, guest speakers, and feedback sessions for grant materials in progress. We also plan to add projects in progress presentations for feedback.

Recent/Ongoing Projects
1. Weekly writing accountability group (Thursdays from 8:45-11am) Drop-in sessions. General structure- 10-minute check-in, work on individuals
projects, 10-minute check out. Informal—come late, leave early and check in/out via Zoom chat.
2. Summer Camp Nursing Group The mission of this group is creating a space for the promotion, empowerment, and education of nurses in the sexual and gender minority (SGM) camp community, including: advice on creating an inclusive camp environment, medical toolkit tips, national network of camp nurses and opportunities for nurses interested in working with SGM young people.
3. SGM Health Repository We are working on developing a curated space to share and access scholarly resources and research about SGM health between RIG members, including: methods and instruments, advocacy and community resources, standards of care, gender affirming care, and professional development. We are also developing a roster of expertise/interests to facilitate networking between RIG members. Materials will be housed in a shared Google Drive and collaboratively managed. Once the repository is built and tested and processes are established, we hope to expand access to others outside of the RIG as well.

Collaborative Publications
Bosse, J. D., Jackman, K. B., Connolly, S., & Von Visger, T. (2024). Response to “Transgender people in nursing discourse: An integrative review” by Padhila and colleagues (2022). Journal of Advanced Nursing, 80: 5149–5151. DOI: 10.1111/jan.16179 PMID: 38623027

Bosse, J. D., Jackman, K. & Hughes, T. (2020). NINR Funding Dedicated to Sexual and Gender Minority Health: 1987-2018. Nursing Outlook, 68: 293-300. DOI: 10.1016/j.outlook.2020.01.002 

Jackman, K., Bosse, J. D., Eliason, M., Hughes, T. (2019) Sexual and Gender Minority Health in Nursing Research. Nursing Outlook, 67(1): 21-38. DOI:
10.1016/j.outlook.2018.10.006 [Received Nursing Outlook Excellence in Nursing Research Award in 2020]

Bosse, J. D., Leblanc, R. G., Jackman, K., Bjarnottir, R. I. (2018). Benefits of Implementing and Improving Collection of Sexual Orientation and Gender
Identity Data in Electronic Health Records. Computers, Informatics, and Nursing, 36(6): 267-274. DOI: 10.1097/CIN.0000000000000417

Symposia Presented:
2024 Influences of Healthcare Experiences and Care Seeking on the Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals and Nurses. Eastern Nursing Research Society 36th Annual Scientific Session: Boston, MA.

2023 Advancing Health Equity for Sexual and Gender Minority Populations: the Role of Social and Structural Determinants. Eastern Nursing Research Society 35th Annual Scientific Session: Philadelphia, PA.

2022 The Path to Health Equity and Inclusion for Sexual and Gender Minority Populations through Nursing Science. Eastern Nursing Research Society 34th Annual Scientific Session: Providence, RI.

2021 Sexual and Gender Minority Youth and their Families. Eastern Nursing Research Society 33 rd Annual Scientific Session: Providence, RI.

2020 Increasing Health Equity for Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations Across the Lifespan: Policy Level Factors. Eastern Nursing Research Society 32nd Annual Scientific Session: Boston, MA. Conference cancelled due to coronavirus.

2019 Sexual and Gender Minority Youth and their Families. Eastern Nursing Research Society 31 st Annual Scientific Session: Providence, RI.

2017 Why do I Need to Know? Collecting Data to Improve the Health of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) populations: A symposium. Eastern Nursing Research Society 29th Annual Scientific Session: Philadelphia, PA.

2017 Health of Sexual and Gender Minority Populations across the Lifespan: A Symposium. Eastern Nursing Research Society 29 th Annual Scientific Session: Philadelphia, PA.

2016 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Health in Nursing Education and Practice: Where We Are Now and Next Steps toward Greater Inclusivity. Eastern Nursing Research Society 28th Annual Scientific Sessions: Pittsburgh, PA.

Posters Presented
2020 Ballout, S., Bosse, J. D., DeSanto-Madeya, S., Burrows, C., Jackman, K. & Greenberg, M. (March) Challenges and opportunities to integrating sexual orientation and gender identity questions in nursing research studies and projects: Study protocol.
[virtual] Eastern Nursing Research Society 32nd Annual Scientific Session: Boston, MA.