Qualitative Research RIG


To foster mentoring relationships among qualitative researchers at all levels of expertise.


Anyone with interested in using qualitative methods to advance nursing science.

Join this RIG!


Qualitative research is instrumental in the development of nursing knowledge. The original purpose of the Qualitative Research Interest Group (RIG) started by the past co-chairs was to provide a forum at ENRS to discuss and share experiences of conducting different types of qualitative research in nursing. Our purpose moving this group forward is to provide an opportunity for students at all levels of entry and for early, mid, and  senior nursing researchers to share and learn from each other about conducting qualitative research. Advice in methods and methodological challenges can be sought out as well. The RIG does not replace the guidance that faculty give to their doctoral students but can be seen as a supplemental resource for scholarly dialogue, advice, and problem-solving.

The ENRS Qualitative RIG is comprised of nurse researchers and students at varying levels of experience. Members have used a wide variety of qualitative methods to study individual, family, and group experiences with diverse health problems and workforce issues. Thus, we provide a strong network for others wanting to adopt qualitative and/or mixed methods design for future research. There are also opportunities for future collaboration on projects and grants vis a vis our RIG networking and socialization process.


  • Potential for collaborative future research within common topics of interest
  • Development of future ENRS qualitative symposium or webinar on qualitative methods and/or funding mechanisms for qualitative work
  • Provide a network of qualitative researchers to share experiences and advice with methodological challenges such as funding resources, recruitment, retention, analysis, trustworthiness, data collection techniques

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Contact Information

Chair: Susan Sullivan-Bolyai, DNSc, RN, CNS, FAAN